Advice: Never fall in love with your best friend’s girlfriend.

Seventeen-year-old, confident Zach Taylor was born and raised in poverty in the...

Kristopher Wieland
Kristopher Wieland

Kristopher Wieland graduated with honors in neuroscience from Brigham Young University. As a debut author, he blends the logical and emotional aspects of the brain into his storytelling. His passion for writing began with love letters to his high school sweetheart while living in Japan for two years—letters she kindly returned. Now, they are a family of four, making their home in Texas. 


Advice: Never fall in love with your best friend’s girlfriend.

Seventeen-year-old, confident Zach Taylor was born and raised in poverty in the small town of Maryfield, Oregon. As the bank is about to foreclose on his mother’s home, he hatches a plan to get funding for a Memory Insertion company that his father tried to start before he died.



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